What is DRIVE Tourism 2.0?
DRIVE 2.0 is a strategic blueprint for promotion and tourism development that will make our communities more competitive in today’s tourism economy. DRIVE 2.0 is a community conversation, with the goal of coming to a consensus for future planning.
How can my community participate in DRIVE Tourism 2.0?
DRIVE Tourism 2.0 is open to registered Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) only. You can see if your community is eligible by checking the Virginia Destination Marketing Organizations list here: https://www.vatc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/DMOlist.pdf
What does the participation process look like?
- Destination Marketing Organizations request and complete a Pre-Qualifier Application
- Once completed, you will receive a notification if your community has been selected to participate in one of three application rounds
- If selected, you will be provided with a Community Survey Link
- You will send this link to 30 community partners for their completion of the survey. The survey should be sent to both traditional and non-traditional tourism partners.
- Once your 30 partners have submitted completed surveys, we will evaluate the findings and provide you with Promotion and Product Development hub-and-spokes based on the results of the Community Surveys
- You will then work with VTC to schedule a Consensus Meeting
- Once you complete your Consensus Meeting, you will be eligible to apply for your grant funds
What if my DMO is not selected in an application round?
DMOs not selected as a participating community can re-apply in subsequent application rounds
A DMO cannot apply more than once if selected in a previous round
What happens at a Community Consensus Meeting?
- The results of the community hub and spoke survey will be reviewed by either VTC staff and/or SIR to facilitate the Community Consensus Meeting
- The three Hub and Spokes from the survey will be reviewed by the facilitator based on the survey results and discussed among the group. These will be:
- Promotion
- Product Development
- Make the Case/Advocacy
- The group will discuss and review each Hub and Spoke with the facilitator
How do I apply for DRIVE 2.0 grant funds?
Participation in DRIVE 2.0 Community Surveys, Consensus Workshops, and Grants will be available for 30 eligible communities divided into three rounds of 10 communities each
- Round 1: January 2021 – June 2021 (Grant funds available July 2021)
- Round 2: July 2021 – December 2021 (Grant funds available January 2022)
- Round 3: January 2022 – June 2022 (Grant funds available July 2022)
What can I use the grant funds for?
The grant funds can be used completely towards one or split up between the Promotion, Product Development, or Make the Case/Advocacy project ideas resulting from the DMOs Consensus Meeting findings